ADIO Trust distributes a range of equipment to reduce the harm to Injecting Drug Users, and the wider community. We provide
free returns canisters for the safe storage and transport of used syringes to our clients, and also to council contractors who are
responsible for cleaning and upkeep of our streets, toilets, parks and other public areas. We also provide free condoms and alcohol
prep pads. ADIO Trust provides a range of injecting equipment, on a users pays system, and also on a 141 free exchange scheme.
The 141 free exchange scheme allows for clients to return any numbers of used needles, and in return we will provide the same
number of new syringes and needles. NOTE; Under the free exchange scheme we can take ANY type of barrel and needle for
exchange, BUT CAN ONLY PROVIDE 3ml BARRELS, with ANY GAUGE NEEDLE, in return. Please refer to for further information.
ADIO Trust Exchanges also provide an extensive range of leaflets and other resources produced in NZ with a focus on reducing
the harm from injecting among our NZ clients. We also maintain contact with other related organizations and can give clients